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Learn About Sturgeon in New York

Three members of the sturgeon family inhabit New York waters: shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum), lake sturgeon (A. fulvescens), and Atlantic sturgeon (A. oxyrhynchus). The lake sturgeon is found in the St. Lawrence River, Great Lakes, and their tributaries. Lake sturgeon have been stocked in Oneida Lake, Cayuga Lake, and Black Lake, and in rivers such as the Grasse, Oswegatchie, and Genesse rivers. Lake sturgeon are listed as a Threatened Species in NY. New York's Atlantic sturgeon population consists primarily of the Hudson River upstream to Hyde Park. The Atlantic sturgeon can reach lengths in excess of 10 feet, weighing several hundred pounds. They ascend large rivers and estuaries to spawn. The shortnose sturgeon is also found in the Hudson River, and is listed as an Endangered Species in NY.

The Cornell University Department of Natural Resources has developed a great website that gives information on all three species, including their biology, distribution in New York state, and downloadable images.

<<< Go To Cornell University Sturgeon Website >>>

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation website also contains a wealth of information on the sturgeon species found in New York.

<<< Go To NYS DEC Sturgeon Website >>>

The article below is a summary of a scientific meeting held in January, 2000

and reviews some scientific research on Lake Sturgeon in NY





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